Training Manual on Human rights of People with Disabilities

English Español Italiano Portugais Français

Introduction Intro Version txt
Chapter 1 - Key Training Concepts Chap 1 Version txt
Chapter 2 - The Condition of People with Disabilities  Chap 2 Version txt
Chapter 3 - The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Chap 3 Version txt
Chapter 4 - DPOs in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Chap 4 Version txt
Chapter 5 - A National Strategy to Support and Participate in the Process of Ratifying the Convention Chap 5 Version txt
Annex I – Text of the Convention and optional protocol Annex 1 Version txt
Annex II – The UN and people with disabilities Annex 2 Version txt
Annex III – Regional and National Documents Annex 3 Version txt
Annex IV – Useful Texts and Web-sites Annex 4 Version txt
Annex V – Glossary Annex 5 Version txt
Annex VI – Acronyms Annex 6 Version txt
Other Documents
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Doc 1 Version txt
International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination Doc 2 Version txt
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Doc 3 Version txt
International Convenant on economic, social and cultural rights Doc 4 Version txt
Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women Doc 5 Version txt
Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degarding treatment or punishment Doc 6 Version txt
Convention on the rights of the child Doc 7 Version txt
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and
Members of Their Families
Doc 8 Version txt